The project selection is located on the right of the comparable page for each month range. Simply select the box next to each listing within the project and the selection will appear on the form.
No, the system does not determine the overall trends of the selected comparables. The appraiser needs to determine this based on the data returned on the form from the finalize report section.
The calculation is done by using the median comparable sale price off the form, but the median list price is calculated by taking the median list price of all the sold properties that were used.
It is most likely an issue with the password. The maximum password in both Pinergy and EAS are eight (8) alpha-numeric characters. If you are typing in more than eight characters, Pinergy will drop the extra characters, EAS does not.
REO properties have to be selected manually on the comparable properties page. The selection box is located on the right of the page.
You will receive this message if you are logging into EAS using an AOL browser, if you switch to Internet Explorer it will correct the issue.