New Office
- Do you wish to become an MLS PIN Participant?
- Do you hold an active real estate broker or appraisal license within the six New England states?
- Is your firm a Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC), Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Limited Partnership (LP), or General Partnership (GP)? If yes, then does your firm hold a corporate broker’s license as required under M.G.L. Chapter 112, Section 87UU? For further clarification on MA state licensing law, please contact the state direct at 617-727-2373.
- Are you and your office engaged actively, or in good faith advertises or holds yourself out to be engaged actively, in the real estate profession for others and for a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration as defined in the MLS PIN Rules and Regulations?
If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions, select the link below to download the Participant Agreement Application and to further review the requirements for the MLS PIN service.
Please submit the following:
- Participant Agreement Application
- A copy of your individual broker's or appraisal license
- If applying as a brokerage company and set up as a Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC), Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Limited Partnership (LP), or General Partnership (GP) a copy of your Corporate Real Estate License
- A letter in good standing from your Board of REALTORS® (if applicable)
- Subscriber Information Form*
- Subscriber Agreement Form*
* These forms are used for any subscribers affiliated with the office
Please allow 24-48 hours for all applications to be processed. Once we receive the completed and signed forms, we will process your application and issue you an ID number and confidential password for accessing the system. Your ID number and password will be emailed to you. Included in this email will be a link to account services where you can pay your first, pro-rated quarterly invoice. Your service will be activated once this invoice has been paid in full. Additionally, this email will include other links to important information such as the schedule for our free training courses, listing input forms, and our Rules and Regulations.
Inform your customers of the benefits of working with an MLS PIN real estate professional.
Print this Color Flyer for your marketing presentations.
If you have any questions, please contact Customer Care at 800-695-3000, Option 3.